Aonghais Cook

Principal Consultant

Phd, MSc, BSc

Aonghais is a Principal Consultant with 15 years' experience investigating the impacts of renewable energy on biodiversity. A key focus for this work has been the interactions between seabirds and offshore wind farms, in particular monitoring, collision risk modelling and cumulative impact assessment. 

Prior to joining TBC, Aonghais worked for the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), where he led work related to offshore wind farms. A seabird ecologist by training, he also has extensive experience in the analysis and interpretation of population and monitoring data, including developing  seabird indicators to meet the UKs obligations under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and OSPAR Convention.  

Aonghais works closely with developers, lenders, regulators and other organisations to better understand how to avoid, minimise and offset the impacts of renewable energy on biodiversity. He is particularly interested in investigating how to make better use of data and technology in order to support a sustainable and environmentally sensitive energy transition.  In addition to work in the UK and Europe, he has provided advice about the impacts of projects in the US, Japan and Australia. As an active scientist, in addition to numerous client reports he has published over 25 scientific papers and book chapters.

Aonghais Cook