Mihai Coroi
Technical Director, Renewables
BSc, PhD
Mihai has over 25 years’ experience in biodiversity and ecology projects involving terrestrial, freshwater and coastal habitats in the UK and more than 40 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. Throughout his career in consultancy and research, he has demonstrated a passion for biodiversity and the environment. Building a sustainable future and tackling global problems such as biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, climate change and poverty are amongst his top interests.
Before joining The Biodiversity Consultancy, Mihai led the international biodiversity team at Mott MacDonald where he provided technical leadership, inputs and advice to ensure biodiversity issues and risks were managed appropriately. There, he worked with developers, lenders and stakeholders to deliver positive outcomes by implementing nature-based solutions that addressed both local and global societal issues. He coordinated or contributed to many Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, due diligence and specialist biodiversity studies in most sectors and industries, with renewable energy being predominant. Mihai also coordinated and contributed to ecological and botanical assessments for a wide range of UK projects in the energy, transportation and water sectors. This included assessments for habitats, plant communities, rare or invasive plants, along with biodiversity net gain assessments and mitigation, management and monitoring plans.
Mihai has a PhD in botany and a BSc in biology. At the start of his career, he carried out research on plant community ecology, biodiversity and protected areas in Romania. In Ireland, he examined the structure, composition and diversity of riparian zones in relation to the biodiversity and functioning of stream ecosystems. He also undertook teaching, provided training, and gave presentations at many national and international conferences. Mihai has published more than 30 scientific papers and two books.