The Biodiversity Consultancy strategically operates across industries, driving impactful initiatives for positive change while prioritising responsible stewardship of biodiversity.
Through close collaboration with our partners across their business lifecycle, we enable nature to be integrated into operational strategies.
We highly value the work of our researchers and our collaborations with academics and partners. Explore further details about our work here.
We are the catalyst for nature positive business
Displaying results 13 to 24 out of 25
PS6 and the HCV approach are both widely-used frameworks for identifying and managing biodiversity risks. Many lenders require alignment with IFC PS6, while certification systems often use the HCV framework.
TBC's short briefing note - Understanding ecosystem services risks and opportunities - introduces ecosystem services (ES) and explains why they are so important for all involved in development projects. We also share best practice...
A new TBC-authored paper, “The Value of the IUCN Red List for Business Decision-making”, has been published by Conservation Letters. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species provides assessments of extinction risk for over 80,000...
A summary of the global rise in government policies on biodiversity offsets, including the resulting risks and opportunities for industry
Biodiversity offsets compensate for the negative impacts of development that remain after full application of the mitigation hierarchy. While offsetting for impacts on a marine habitat shares many characteristics of the approach...
Biodiversity screening forms an integral part of project due diligence. Early screening can save time and resources later, enabling avoidance of the most serious risks and efficiently focusing impact assessments.
Hydropower: applying the mitigation hierarchy to manage biodiversity risks explores how the mitigation hierarchy can be used to manage the biodiversity challenges and opportunities associated with hydropower projects.
In this Industry briefing note, we examine and interpret what IFC Performance Standard 6 (PS6) demands of development projects in or near protected areas. We also look at the wider context to understand why projects in or near...
Endorsed by both governments and civil society, IUCN World Congress decisions likely reflect future trends for biodiversity conservation in regulation and safeguards, and in societal expectations. Our new Industry Briefing Note...
In this short briefing we analyse and interpret what IUCN's decisions on 'no go', made at the World Conservation Congress in 2016, means for business.
At the World Conservation Congress in Hawai’i this September, IUCN members...
A summary explaining indirect impacts, their risks and opportunities to industry, and their management.