
241 results:

Global Inventory of Biodiversity Offset Policies

Global Inventory of Biodiversity Offset Policies

…ed by TBC and IUCN, the Global Inventory on Biodiversity Offset Policies is the first…

Solar energy: managing biodiversity risks

Solar energy: managing biodiversity risks

Solar is often seen as a form of ‘green energy’. However, utility-scale projects can have major impacts on species and habitats. TBC's solar energy industry briefing note takes you through the major

Director Consultancy Operations Emma Tatum-Hume

Director Consultancy Operations Emma Tatum-Hume

… experience in business and biodiversity, supporting companies to…

The Biodiversity Consultancy joins World Benchmarking Alliance

The Biodiversity Consultancy joins World Benchmarking Alliance

…The Biodiversity Consultancy has joined the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) as the…

The role of non-English-language science in biodiversity assessments

The role of non-English-language science in biodiversity assessments

Consulting the best available knowledge is key to successful conservation decision-making, and yet a new study finds global assessments and studies ‘practically ignore’ non-English-language

Technical conditions for positive outcomes from biodiversity offsets

Technical conditions for positive outcomes from biodiversity offsets

… IUCN Technical Study Group on Biodiversity Offsets.

Forecasting the path towards a Net Positive Impact on biodiversity for Rio Tinto QMM.

Forecasting the path towards a Net Positive Impact on biodiversity for Rio Tinto QMM.

… achieving a Net Positive Impact on biodiversity by mine closure. Available in…

Role of Biodiversity Frameworks for Aluminium and Bauxite Sector

Role of Biodiversity Frameworks for Aluminium and Bauxite Sector

… mining. This could potentially put biodiversity across the sector's value…