Science Based Targets Network (SBTN)

What is the SBTN?

The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) is a global coalition of organisations working to shape private sector and city impacts on nature through science-based targets (SBTs).

Their science-based targets for nature and climate are comprised of a step-by-step pathway for companies for assessment and action (i.e., AR3T framework). The SBTN is part of the Global Commons Alliance coalition and Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which develops methods and research for SBTs.

See more detail on the SBTN.

SBTN experts

We have a wealth of experience with the SBTN and its guidance, both as direct contributors to its development and through supporting clients across the full spectrum of SBTN engagement.

Supporting the SBTN’s development:

  • SBTN Biodiversity Hub partner

  • SBTN Referral Program service provider

  • Co-authors of SBTN Biodiversity Short Paper (May 2023), SBTN Biodiversity Coverage Paper (in progress)

  • Technical reviewers for Step 3 of the Land Target-Setting Guidance (draft)

  • Supported the consolidation and technical review of the SBTN Toolbox

Working with clients on the SBTN:

  • Supporting training and awareness about SBTs for nature, so that you can better understand what they would involve and how you build a constituency for taking them forward

  • Mapping and understanding potential biodiversity risks in your value chain and assessing their materiality

  • Quantifying your biodiversity footprint, using metrics and tools appropriate for your sector and the nature and scale of your activities

  • Identifying appropriate actions to apply the AR3T mitigation hierarchy both within and outside your value chain

We've led clients on their SBTN journeys spanning a wide variety of sectors:


  • Fashion & textiles
  • Agriculture
  • Food & beverage
  • Automotives
  • ...and more

Financial Institutions

  • Development banks
  • Commercial banks
  • Asset owners
  • Asset management
  • Impact investors

The work done so far on our SBTN project has been really great. The results have been very thorough, more thorough than I had expected, and of a very high quality. It feels like we’re also on a journey together to learn together, and I appreciate that. The SBTN is very new and we’re one of the first companies to do it. They’ve done more in the first round of assessment than I would have expected.

Anders Saxbol, Raw Material Sustainability Manager, Ferrero

Your SBTN journey: how we can help

The table below illustrates how we can help your business leverage the opportunities available at each stage of the SBTN  journey through our three-phase approach, with examples of relevant services.




Implement & disclose

SBTN steps: Step 1a Step 1b, Step 2 Step 3 Step 4, Step 5: Disclose
What you get:
  • Capacity building workshops

  • Identification & prioritization of significant sites

  • Internal readiness preparation (including data collation)

  • Gap analysis

  • Quantifying biodiversity footprint according to SBTN guidance and/or other reporting frameworks(e.g.CDP, CSRD, GRI, ISSB, SFDR, TNFD)
  • SBTN-aligned target-setting and nature strategy development

  • Identifying appropriate actions to apply the AR3T mitigation hierarchy both within and outside the value chain

  • SBTN target validation submissions
  • Nature-related disclosure reporting aligned with SBTN principles
  • Public disclosure of SBTN-aligned targets
Example service: e.g. Nature Disclosure Readiness e.g. Footprinting services e.g. Impact investment or Strategy services e.g. On the ground support



How does the SBTN relate to regulation?

Setting science-based targets for nature using SBTN’s framework will enable companies to meet the requirements of various disclosure regulations, particularly those that relate to goals and target-setting.

How can my company incorporate SBTN principles into our existing nature strategy?

The SBTN target-setting process not only helps companies establish overarching targets to underpin a nature strategy, but also provides a systematic approach to track and report on progress. These are important components of a nature strategy that companies can develop their existing nature strategies upon through alignment with the SBTN.

Which parts of SBTN apply to my company?

Companies can follow the SBTN’s 5-step process to set science-based targets for climate or nature, which are two separate processes that companies can choose from. Upon setting targets, companies can then undergo a validation process with the SBTN (nature target validation process will be available in 2024).

Make Nature Your Business

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