Make Nature Your Business by being disclosure-ready

Amidst a growing global emphasis on sustainable economic and societal transitions, nature-related disclosures have been rapidly growing in significance for both voluntary and mandatory bus reporting practices. Nature-related disclosures encompass an organisation’s impacts on and dependencies upon nature, as well as the associated risks and opportunities to the organisation. Prominent frameworks such as those from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) offer suitable starting points for organisations to consider when beginning their disclosure journey.


What are nature-related disclosures​?

Nature-related disclosures serve as an important component of an organisation’s nature positive journey while also delivering a competitive advantage to business practice. Moreover, they facilitate meaningful engagement with stakeholders while ensuring long-term resilience in a rapidly changing environmental and regulatory landscape.

At The Biodiversity Consultancy, we guide companies who are new to disclosure through the LEAP approach — an assessment approach from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures that helps organisations identify their interface with nature, evaluate dependencies and impacts, assess risks and opportunities, and respond and report on crucial environmental matters. For companies with existing disclosure processes, we refine, iterate, and enhance measurement and reporting approaches in line with the most up-to-date regulatory requirements.


Why you should develop nature-related disclosures​

  • Nature-related disclosures enable organisations to identify and effectively manage nature-related impacts, dependencies, thereby mitigating material risks and capitalising on associated opportunities.

  • Reporting acts as a primary channel to engage with investors and stakeholders on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, facilitating trust and transparent communication.

  • Nature-related disclosure support the development of sustainable business activities byidentifying crucial operational risks, improve resource efficiency, and driving innovation in products and processes that dually benefit businesses and biodiversity alike.


Make Nature Your Business

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Nature Assessment

Analyse your organisation's interaction with nature across your value chain

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Target Setting & Strategy Development

Contributing to the nature positive future with science-based targets and strategies​

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Site-Based Management

Managing site-based impacts on biodiversity efficiently

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