Work with us to source responsibly and contribute to nature positive future​

Choices made in sourcing raw materials and products can both directly and indirectly impact nature and ecosystem services. This can drive the loss of biodiversity due to deforestation, exploitation of natural resources and pollution.

Implementing responsible procurement practices can mitigate these negative effects, helping to preserve biodiversity and promote the sustainable use of natural resources.


What is responsible procurement?

Responsible procurement for biodiversity and nature focuses on sourcing goods and services in ways that minimise negative impacts on biodiversity and support conservation efforts. Incorporating biodiversity considerations into procurement decisions can involve a range of interventions and such as sustainable sourcing mechanisms, supply chain transparency initiatives, certification schemes, and supplier due diligence processes.


Why responsible procurement is important

  • Companies can contribute to the circular economy transition by increasing the use of recycled and recyclable materials, benefitting natural ecosystems by minimising waste, reducing resource usage, and streamlining supply chains.

  • Companies are better equipped to comply with evolving environmental regulations and contribute to broader environmental goals including climate change mitigation, pollution reduction, and more.

  • It helps support the global nature positive agenda by engaging with the suppliers to actively reduce negative impacts on nature and work to protect or restore biodiversity.


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Nature-Related Disclosures

Be disclosure-ready to Make Nature Your Business​

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Site-Based Management

Managing site-based impacts on biodiversity efficiently

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