Optimising restoration and regeneration for a sustainable future

Many companies operate in or source from landscapes where nature is already degraded and depleted. In such landscapes, restoring native ecosystems and species, or regenerating working lands and seas can be an opportunity to generate business value and deliver benefits for biodiversity, for climate and for people.  

However, restoration and regeneration can be technically challenging, can sometimes be costly and stakeholders may have different perspectives and priorities for restoration outcomes. Companies can optimise the outcomes of restoration and regeneration through careful planning, stakeholder engagement and the use of practical metrics to identify, prioritise and monitor actions. 


What is restoration and regeneration?

Restoration refers to the process of assisting our partners in contributing to the recovery of degraded ecosystems towards a natural state, whereas regeneration refers to recovering ecosystem services and elements of natural biodiversity in areas principally used for production, such as agricultural lands. 

Our regeneration and restoration approach involves supporting partners to screen for promising opportunities, and to design, develop and implement projects effectively. We support this through ecological and social feasibility assessment, due diligence against the design brief and relevant third party standards, and by designing effective monitoring systems for the biodiversity, carbon and social benefits of investments.


Why restoration and regeneration is important

  • Restoration and regeneration can deliver tangible positive outcomes in support of your nature strategy, providing a solid basis for reporting and disclosure. 
  • Restoration and regeneration can be an opportunity to optimise climate, biodiversity and social investments in working land- and seascapes. 
  • By helping recover biodiversity and ecosystem services, restoration and regeneration can support the long-term viability of commercial activities and social license to operate in working lands and seas. 

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