The due dilligence process enables stakeholders to fully understand the risks and opportunities associated with a project, as well as the 'next steps' if the project is to seek alignment with an industry standard or framework. A comprehensive biodiversity due diligence will include a gap analyses assessment, the identification of red-flag issues, and actions to address gaps and achieve alignment with the chosen standard.

The Biodiversity Consultancy supports compliance with leading industry standards such as IFC PS6 and EBRD PR6, as well as frameworks like TNFD, SBTN, and the ICMM Mining Principles. We offer a tailored approach for each project, providing case-specific roadmaps and action plans to ensure positive progress towards the target standard or framework, or both.

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International Lenders Requirements

Receive biodiversity advice, technical support, and capacity building to ensure alignment with a wide range of international lender's standards

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